Chapter 2

Teach the Sound Doctrines:
(Read Titus 2:1-10)
Paul exhorts Titus to promote sound doctrines that benefit Christian living. These are practical instructions for moral and spiritual conduct inside the church as well as in the world. We are saved by the grace of God. Only by embracing grace, we live a christian life. This passage contrasts the lives of true believers with those of the false teachers described in Titus 1:10-16. These instructions are applicable for older men, older women, young women and young men in the church. In fact this passage instructs us how we should behave as believers.  Older believers should be sober-minded, self-controlled and dignified (Titus 2:2).  They should be sound in faith, love and abound in good work. They should not waste their time, for their time is short. Time is a precious gift.  It must be used wisely and invested carefully. The older men are worthy of respect. They should be treated with respect.  In the same way older women would live in a way that honors God. They should be dignified in their dresses. They must not slander others and should not abuse alcohol. They should teach other women what is good and train young women to care for their home and be submissive to their own husbands so that the Word of God may not be put to shame.  Some suggest that in the  early church the majority of believers were women. Titus must encourage young men to live wisely, controlling their desires and impulses. He must be an example to them by abounding in good works.  He should teach with integrity and seriousness so that his ministry may not be criticized.  He must be an example to others. Then those who oppose will be shamed and have nothing bad to say about him.  Slaves must always obey their masters and do their best to please them. This principle could be applied to worker and employer relationships today.  They should not fight for their rights and be argumentative. They should do above and beyond what is required of them. They must be productive, honest and submissive. In doing so they would be able to attract others to Christ.  The Bible does not approve slavery  and condemns racism. We are all one blood and created in the image of God (Acts 17:26-28).  Someone has said "Christians are the best argument for Christianity". Our purpose of life on earth is not to win our own right, but to win people for Christ. Love for God is the primary motivation of the Christian life and service.  Gospel changes hearts from inside out and not from the outside in. 
Our Response to the Grace of God:
(Read Titus 2:11-15)
These verses are the most concise explanation of gospel oriented living found anywhere in the scripture. The Gospel is God’s initiative in reclaiming the lost world from sin to himself. The gospel not only saves sinners but also transforms them. The preaching of the prosperity gospel is a perversion. It  makes people “feel good” and does not lead them to Christ.  “For the grace of God has appeared,  bringing salvation for all people” (Titus 2:11).  Grace is God’s undeserved favor in Christ towards sinners (2 Corinthians 8:9).  We are saved by grace through faith in Christ.  It teaches what it means to be a Christian. Christianity teaches that God is reaching out to men to save them. Religions are men reaching out to God.  We will never find God until God finds us out.  Grace makes salvation available  to all men.  It is not a cheap grace, it costs God his only begotten Son to save sinners (2:14). Grace makes us spiritually rich in Christ. By grace we become sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16).  By grace we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Grace redeems and transforms us.  All those who embrace this grace should deny ungodliness and worldly lust.  Grace not only saves us from the penalty and guilt of sin but also gives power over sin. It enables us to live a Christ centered life.  Believers should not set their minds on world’s standards and values (Romans 12:1-2). They should live self-controlled, upright and godly lives (Titus 2:12). God has redeemed us from lawlessness to become zealous for good works (2:14).  We are not saved by good works but for good works (Ephesians 2:10).  Grace is not a license to practice sin.  It gives us blessed hope to live in anticipation of Christ's return.  Grace gives us a desire to live for Christ and encourages us to serve him. This is our blessed hope (2:13). It is also  the comforting and purifying hope ​(1 Thessalonians 4:18; 1 John 3:1-2). The hope of the second coming of Christ should challenge us to  live a holy life abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). If we have hope only in this life, we are of all people most to be pitied (1 Corinthians 15:19). Titus was instructed to teach these things with all authority.  Our authority is the Word of God.