
Man has a natural quest to know about his origin and the purpose of life. These are fundamental questions and the answers to these questions will profoundly affect our outlook and the way we live. Though modern man is on the path of many great discoveries, he fails to understand the significance of his life on earth. We are here because God created the earth and created people to live on it (Isaiah 45:12).

The origin of man: 

Philosophers through the years have reached to different conclusions about the origin of man. The ancient Egyptians believed that the origin of man was from a kind of worm that lived in the clay on the bank of river Nile. Some scientists believe that men evolved from apes. Some suggest that man came to existent by accident. Others say that life always existed in some form and endlessly evolving. But none of these theories can stand the test of science and logic. Man did not evolve out of some unknown place on his own. To speculate that man is a chance product of some unplanned process and life began spontaneously, one must have more faith to believe it than to believe the Bible account on creation. The Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Man was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26).

The nature of man: 

Unlike animal man is a triune being. He has a soul and a spirit and a body (I Thessalonians 5:23). When men suggest that man is simply a body, he responds to this theory by living mere on animal instinct, finding gratification for his natural desires. Body gives sensation to surroundings and is the seat of world consciousness. Soul is the center of emotion, reason, and decision. It gives self-consciousness (Psalms 42:5). The spirit is everlasting part of man that gives God consciousness (Romans 8:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:23). Soul and spirit are the immaterial parts of man. Man is distinct from animal. Animals have body and soul, but they do not have spirit. This makes man unique from animals. Man is the capstone of God’s creation because he is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). Since our conscience can be defiled by sin, it should be kept without offense before God (Titus 1:15; Acts 24:16).

The image of God in man: 

Man was created in the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:26).  God does not have a human form. Being in Gods image means man shares God’s moral attributes. They are life, personality, and morality.  So, man has the capacity to have fellowship with God. God is in essence one, yet He is three in person. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This image of God is seen in man's personality. Man is a self-conscious being. Man lost his moral likeness of sinlessness with God when he sinned against God. But man, still retains his natural likeness of personality such as intellect, emotion and will (Genesis 9:6; James 3:9). Every man is conscious of a divine power to certain extent. This image of God in man also contains the God-given power to rule and reign over the creation.  Man was created with the ability to exercise his will.  He has the freedom to love or reject God.  God takes delight when a person loves and serves Him willingly than by force. 

The purpose of the creation of man: 

Man was created to possess the earth and reign over it (Genesis 1:28). However, man lost his right to reign due to sin.  Christ will restore that at His second coming (Hebrews 2:5-8). Adam was created to know God and fellowship with Him (Genesis 3:9, 10). He was created to obey God (Genesis 2:16,17). Adam was created with a capacity to enjoy God forever (Mark 8:36).  We are created in God’s image so that we can fellowship with God.   We are created to glorify God and to enjoy Him.

Sin and fall of man: 

When man sinned against God, he lost his blessings and failed to understand the purpose of his existence. Now we are ignorantly, helplessly, and willfully lost in our own sin (Isaiah 53;6). Instead of worshiping God, we worship ourselves.  This is what we call, humanism. Though there remains in us a desire to know God, we are unable to find Him (Job 11:7). We are at enmity with God and our greatest need is to be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20). God has created man with free will and he is responsible for his actions. When Satan tempted man, he failed. Even though God gave man all the necessary instructions to keep him away from sin, he misused his freewill and disobeyed God (Gen 3). Thus, Adamic race became sinners (Romans 5:19).

The future of man: 

Jesus Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the law and penalty of sin. He died on the cross on our behalf to reconcile us to God (Galatians 3:13).  This is the gospel message "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). God wants everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth (1 Timothy 2:4).  It is a dreadful thing to reject the gospel of grace. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3).  Christ is coming to reign, and we will reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:12).

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