Chapter 7

The Godly Sorrow Leads to Repentance.
Read (2 Corinthians 7:1-16)
Since believers are blessed with great and precious promises, they should live a holy and blameless life. They should never forget that they are saved to live a holy life in the fear of God. The fear of God enables us to live a life from God’s perspective. Paul had to share some hard truth to Corinthians for them to turn away from sin (7:10).  He never tried to take advantage of anyone but longed for fellowship with Corinthians. The believers are just passing through the world and have no fellowship with the world system.  They are called into the fellowship of Jesus Christ and with other believers (1 Corinthians 1:9).  Fellowship means commonality that enjoys a common set of values.  Paul does not condemn the Corinthians but expresses his deep love toward them. Paul says “We live or die together with you” (2 Corinthians 7:3).  When Paul arrived at Macedonia he was anxious over the Corinthian believer's reaction to his letter.  Paul was comforted by Titus’s report that Corinthians accepted his severe letter and was looking forward to Paul’s visit (2 Corinthians 2:1-11).  Paul rejoices over their desire to reconcile with him (2 Corinthians 7:7). Paul is thankful that his severe letter produced godly sorrow that leads to salvation (2 Corinthians 7:10).  Only God's Word can bring this kind of transformation. Their repentance produced realignment with the will and purposes of God. True repentance is evidenced in the confession of sin and in the willingness to forgive others. The worldly sorrow produces only death.  Judas Iscariot is a classic example of that. The criminal may feel sorry but does not repent. His reaction is based on the fact that he is caught. But godly sorrow leads to a change of mind.  Obedience always brings joy and renewal in the church. Paul was encouraged by the fact that the Corinthians treated Titus with respect. Paul’s boasting about the believers of Corinth was thus proved to be true. The way Titus was welcomed and respected, gave Paul great confidence in the Corinthians that they will maintain unity and fellowship in the assembly. God does not want us to continue in the self-destructive path of sin and disunity. Only the Holy Spirit can produce godly sorrow and repentance that leads to salvation (2 Corinthians 7:10).  God reveals our sins to us because he loves us and does not want to continue in the path of self-destruction. Christ has already paid the penalty of our sin so that God can accept us despite our failures. This allows us to confess our sins and  turn to God without fear (1 John 1:9). Ask God to show your sins that you are not aware of and repent of them.  Humility leads to obedience which brings comfort and joy in life and in the church. Pray that God would protect you from situations that force you to sin.





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