Luke Chapter 10

Jesus Sent out the Seventy Disciples:
(Read Luke 10:1-24)
The scholars suggest that this section gives the account of Jesus’ ministry in the eastern part of Jordan.  Jesus sent out the seventy disciples in pairs to places he planned to visit later.  He said to them “The harvest is so great, but laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest”. Jesus reminded the disciples that the laborer is worthy of his wage.  But if a town refuses to welcome them, the wicked Sodom will be better off than such a town on the judgment day.  Anyone who accepts their message also accepts Jesus.  If anyone rejects Jesus, he rejects God the Father who sent him. Disciples were so joyful that even demons obeyed them.  Christians are given weapons to break down Satan’s strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).   Even though demons have power, believers do not need to fear them.  The power we have is not ourselves but from God.  Our focus should not be upon power we have been given but on the giver of that power. Jesus warned the disciples not to rejoice that the evil spirits obey them but rather rejoice because their names are written in heaven.  Jesus thanked God for revealing these things to his disciples.  The disciples had the tremendous privilege of knowing Christ. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).  There is nothing more satisfying than knowing Jesus Christ and serving him.
The parable of the Good Samaritan:
(Read Luke 10:25-42)
A certain lawyer asked Jesus what must be done to inherit eternal life.  Jesus’ response is summed up by the first and second great commandments (Matthew 22:37). The man wanted to justify his actions and asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”  Then Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan to reveal his sinful heart.  The priest and the Levite did nothing to help the wounded man.  This shows the failure of religions. Jesus is the only one who lived a perfect life. Only those who tasted the mercy of God show mercy to others.  The Samaritan was the true neighbor because he was willing to share what he had to help the wounded.  Mercy is more than an emotion. It is helping people in their need with Christ’s love.  Jesus said to the lawyer “Go, and do likewise”. To know more read note on Matthew 22:34-40.   Jesus also shows the contrast between Mary and Martha. Jesus was welcomed to their home. These two sisters were Jesus’ dearest friends. Martha was busy serving Jesus but became distracted with serving.  Like Martha, we can become weary in our work for the Lord but miss out the blessing of being with Christ.  Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to him.  Martha was doer but Mary was  worshiper. Jesus invites us to enjoy his presence before serving him. We can’t effectively feed others until we ourselves have been fed. We must choose to do our best for the Lord and not be overly concerned about what others are doing.  There is nothing wrong with serving but like Mary we must first sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from him.  What we do with Christ is far more important than what we do for Christ. Few things are as damaging to the Christian life as trying to work for Christ without taking time to commune with him. Those who balance worship and work will become more effective in their service. Pray for wisdom to prioritize the study of the scripture daily in your life. Those who balance between work and worship will keep themselves from burnout.

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